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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dreams that go further down the surface

"On the surface, I once bought a forest. The parasites claimed that the land belonged to God, and demanded that I establish a public park there.It wasn't impossible to build rapture at the bottom of the sea, it was impossible to build it anywhere else." 

Andrew Ryan

For as long as humanity existed, so did the desire to ascend in the air which eventually came true by invention of various airplanes, jets, and space shuttles. However this arising desire has not stopped the humankind from arousing the wish for descending upon the surface of the bodies of the water around the globe. 

      The notion of life underwater is not an unfamiliar concept, and you can scarcely find individuals who are unacquainted with some form of fiction or info related to this construct. 

      Considering the fact that the majority of the planet earth ,in terms of net area and surface, is covered with rivers, lakes, seas, and above all oceans we can easily imagine the magnitude of infrastructural potential that is given to us by a vast sub-aquatic margin, something that can now become yet another step towards our prosperity thanks to the advanced technology.

      In a world that is becoming more and more populated if not polluted every single day, the chance to extend our civilization beyond our lands would seem quite welcome despite all the limitations and difficulties associated with such a grand agenda.

      If you are into video games , you have probably heard about(or experienced) the video games series Bioshock; and in particular Rapture city and its own political, social ,justice, and educational system that is thoroughly unlike any other territories in the world because of  its isolated, and independent nature. Alas, Rapture city is depicted as a grand yet imperfect icon of human ambition that was spoiled by greed and other infamous human characteristics. Fiction aside, the concept while quite hard to achieve is by all means possible using the contemporary technology. 

      However, the recent occurrence of the oil spill disaster in the gulf of Mexico may be the first skeptic sign that passes through your mind the moment you think of establishing an entire city with its various elements that has the potential to create disasters of larger scope. After all, in such a city anything could go awry at any single moment, and due to the submerged nature of the infrastructure, the risk of all sorts of damages and loss are but high. 

      Everything said and done, placing all the disadvantages of a city under the ocean on the one side of the scale would still be no match for the vantage points of all the benefits received in such an environment. Only future has the answer for the billions of people who will be forced to choose between abandoning the planet earth or living under the oceans should the current trend of natural exploitation on the surface of the earth continues.Let's hope for a bright answer hereafter.